The United States has Georgia O’Keeffe, the Netherlands has Vincent van Gogh, New Zealand has Rita Angus. Well, that’s how I see it and feel when I see Rita Angus’ paintings. Had she lived elsewhere in the Western world, there would by now be a museum dedicated to her. Rita Angus didn’t sell many works …
The Taniwha, the Dragon, and the Kangaroo
Why the Relationship between New Zealand and China Is in Flux When a foreign minister tells exporters to diversify trade agreements, and not put all their eggs “in one basket with China”, it’s likely things are about to change. But how, that remains to be seen. The soft warning came from New Zealand’s Foreign minister …
Sprookjes verzwijgen spierballen sprokkelvrouwtjes
Ooit woonde ik in Amsterdam en Londen, nu woon ik in een bos. Ik sprokkel hout in het droge seizoen, dat sinds kort steeds langer duurt. Ik heb goede herinneringen aan houtsprokkelende vrouwtjes in sprookjes. Leek me als kind wel romantisch, rondstruinen met zo’n rieten mand op je rug, over kronkelende paadjes door het donkere …
New Zealand’s Far North: Let’s Take a Virtual Tour Now Most of Us Can’t Travel
There’s an equally popular and persistent myth about New Zealand/Aotearoa: that the South Island is more beautiful than the North Island. Perhaps it’s because of the Lord of the Rings movies. Or it could be because many European immigrants initially settled on the South Island in the 1950s and wrote lyrical letters home about the …