Ooit woonde ik in Amsterdam en Londen, nu woon ik in een bos. Ik sprokkel hout in het droge seizoen, dat sinds kort steeds langer duurt. Ik heb goede herinneringen aan houtsprokkelende vrouwtjes in sprookjes. Leek me als kind wel romantisch, rondstruinen met zo’n rieten mand op je rug, over kronkelende paadjes door het donkere …
Their lovemaking is a true feat of multitasking – Aotearoa/New Zealand’s shy but crucial native earthworm
Spotting an outsized earthworm slithering over my patio ignited my instant interest in this critter, its origins and its life. To my surprise, I forgot about my breakfast. I felt a biological hunger instead. Darwin, here I come. At the time of this exclamation, I did not know Charles Darwin actually wrote an entire book …
The extreme isolation of St Kilda
‘St Kilda in sight!’ Kees calls out, his head around the cabin door. His glowing face makes me jump up and grab my shoes, ignoring my nausea. Despite a calm sea I feel rather queasy. Last night, the skipper told us the ocean was as smooth as it could be. This was terrific news. St …
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Shares Her Strategies for Mental Health and Self-care
When it comes to staying sane, focused and efficient, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern knows what to do. But she admits it took her a long time to realize you don’t need to feel guilty when taking the space and time to look after yourself and your mental health. “When we’re in a responsible role, we …