Today, I saw two young boys “shooting” each other. They had a machine gun each, made out of white plastic tubes, pieces of wood and duct tape. I wondered, do their parents also actively encourage them to freely play with their genitals, meanwhile wisely guiding them to not use their body for consolation? Parents don’t …
The Vessel
The Cosmology of Islam
The Egyptian-Dutch author Nahed Selim is someone who criticises aspects of Islam and the Koran that no mere human is supposed to touch. In her book “The Prophet’s Wives”, she calls for a fresh interpretation of the holy scripture, in order to fully incorporate contemporary realities. Certain verses of the Koran are no longer regarded …
On behalf of the cow
A holocaust is taking place in your backyard. I’m not exaggerating, scaremongering, being melodramatic or “green”. And I’m not being disrespectful. Prior to writing this article, I didn’t know that my idea of cows milk was very naive and largely based on pure propaganda, fed to me from the day I was born in the …
Think twice before you swallow
The irresponsible prescription and use of antidepressant medication is one of the great tragedies of humankind unfolding before our eyes, internationally and in Aotearoa New Zealand. For years now, scientists specialised in psycho-pharmacy yell out that most of these chemicals don’t work, and are often dangerous. The status and commercial success of antidepressants are based …